Given the proliferation of social networks today, coupled with the fact more and more people are spending large amounts of their free time on social networks… we are encountering a ‘perfect storm’ in the marketing world, where consumers are rapidly regaining control.
For as long as most of us can remember, consumers have been force fed whatever companies or brands wanted them to hear or see, with little regard to what consumers actually wanted or needed. Marketing tactics have and continue to be largely driven by antiquated or inaccurate data that doesn’t tell the real story. Latest studies have shown the Nielsen Ratings for television are consistently off by as much as 8%. Well that might not seem like alot, until you consider what an 8% error in the wrong direction could cost a company in ad spend. And that’s not even considering the fact that with the advent of DVR technology, the majority of people today aren’t even watching television commercials.
So brands of all sizes (even the big boys, like Coca Cola and Johnson & Johnson), are realizing that a dissatisfied customer can do much more damage to their brand than they used to be able to. The smart companies have already figured this out & have active social media departments within their organizations. But believe it or not, most companies, even a good number of Fortune 1000 companies, have not figured out that they need to be in the game.
Their could be any number of reasons why a major brand would have not yet embraced social media. It’s not in the budget… it’s just a fad, it will go away… there are better ways to spend our marketing dollars. We’ve heard them all… and most of the reasons we hear are centered on fear… fear of failure, fear of the unknown, or fear that ROI will not be met. To be honest, it really doesn’t matter why some brands either don’t embrace Social Media or understand it’s true value. The bottom line is, brands, no matter how small or large, will fail if they do not embrace and become active on the social networks where their customers live on-line.
That’s where a company like ProV3 Media can help… we can clearly demonstrate the value Social Media Marketing can bring to your company while also putting into place a listening and engagement strategy.
Contact Us today and let us know how we can help you.
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