Importance of SSL Certificates

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Why SSL Certificates Are Crucial For Your Website

In recent months, the media has exploded with cases of cyber hacking and information leaking that has everyone on edge about releasing their personal information online. Many individuals have experienced stolen identities or had their personal data auctioned on the internet with no one to come to their defense. It is crucial, as we approach an even more internet-driven day and age, to ensure that your website is up to par with your ...

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What you need to know about Twitter’s updated profiles

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Twitter recently made its new profile design available to everyone and it’s causing a lot of chatter. Twitter is breaking away from its simplistic nature and seems to be embracing a layout that is very similar to Facebook. Let’s examine some of its new characteristics and see if they work for Twitter.

New Font

The new font for tweets is bigger than it was before, 28px (double from the 14px it was in the old design), but that’s not necessarily a bad ...

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12 Twitter Dos and Dont’s

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1. DO respond back to users who engage with you.

The greatest benefit of social media is not just that it allows your target audience to interact with your brand, but that you can, and should, interact back with them. This is especially true if the mention is favorable. Tweet thanks, promotions, or tips to people who show interest in your brand. It is also important to take negative feedback seriously, but be cautious with your response – it could go ...

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Increase your website traffic and engagement with Twitter Cards

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You may notice when you click on a tweet in your timeline that links to an article, you get a short summary of what the post is about.

Twitter Card

This is a Twitter card.  This powerful tool allows website administrators flexibility in displaying content by adding additional text or media to their posts in an effort to increase the chance for ...

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How will the Facebook Star Ratings affect Businesses?

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In the last few weeks, you may have noticed that your Facebook page has a brand new feature. Underneath your page name, there may be a set of five stars that indicate how people feel about your company. Although this isn’t a completely new concept, allowing this information to be publicly displayed IS brand new.

This significant change in the display of your Facebook page will have two major effects. First, it shows the public’s general sentiment towards your business and ...

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Social Media ROI – Useful Metrics and Tools

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Now that most businesses have embraced social media as a highly effective channel to reach their community, it’s important that they measure their return on investment (ROI). Initially, this may seem like a daunting task because it’s not very clear what to measure or how to do it.

Before calculating the ROI on social media, it’s necessary that your business generates clear, measurable goals. Once you’ve outlined your goals, you’ll know which metrics to measure. Below are four categories of social ...

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